Hi, and welcome to Giant Leap.

We’re a group of crypto veterans and gamers who spent many years building in DeFi.

Now, we’re building on-chain games.


Well, for many reasons, but the main ones are:

  1. There isn’t enough value creation happening in crypto right now. DeFi and NFTs are largely insular and the ponzi games can only get you so far.
  2. On-chain games allow us to advance the state of crypto in a low stakes environment.
  3. On-chain games are needed to serve as a neutral layer which can be permissionlessly extended, paving the way for a true decentralised metaverse in an open source manner.
  4. We believe games are what will bring in the next influx of normies to crypto.
  5. We’re gamers at heart and want to build fun things for people to play.

So join us as we experiment in this space and build games with the community who can extend it alongside us.

It’s a small step for mankind but a giant leap for gamers!